Are you addicted to your cell phone
I wouldn't say I am addicted. I have a company issued blackberry, or as I refer to it - Crackberry. In my position, it is required of me to be available 24/7. I also have my personal phone, which is an iPhone. When I first got the iPhone, I was smitten. It has since lost it's overall appeal. I play a few games on it, but I wouldn't be heart broken if something happened to it. The Crackberry, that is a different story. If it doesn't make some kind of noise at least once an hour, I would be scared to death. I liken it to a first time parent. When the baby sleeps through the night for the first time, a first time parent will wake up confused and scared. If someone from work didn't call in the middle of the night, I would be terrified that my terminal burnt to the ground or massive solar flares took out the communications grid. I am still not addicted to it. I would prefer to be without it.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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