Adopt an orphan challenge
modelsof1900 Wrote:Don, very good, a new challenge!
But I know that I will need for my sleeping project many more time! Finishing date December 15th would be many, many better! And a short before christmas eve finished project will be a good gift - for all of us.
Can I get a longer running challenge, please?

The idea is to simple projects, otherwise they tend to become abandon once again. For those kind of projects, three months should be more than enough time. I really wouldn't want to go beyond October 1st since at that point we're getting into the holiday season. We most certainly don't want a bunch of orphans not be able to enjoy the holiday by being put back into hiding, now do we? Nope I'm going to keep it at Sept. 15 unless some others think they would be better off with an extra two weeks.
Don (ezdays) Day
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