Weathering a CN N scale boxcar
Herc, I'm sorry about creating that confusion with the yellow paint.
Could you please post any picture of that boxcar with the yellow paint ?.

About the CP boxcar:
First I faded the lettering with some drybrushing of the base color ( in that case CP action red )

I used artist oil paint for the rust, mixing burnt umber, burnt sienna and raw umber.
Oil paint looks good but the problem is that it is thick and it is very obvious on a N scale boxcar.
To thin the paint there are 2 solutions:
1) dip a brush into some thinner and apply some stroke on the fresh paint
2) When the paint is dry ( it can take several days ) slightly sand it with a very fine sanding paper.

On the CN boxcar , for the rust, I used some acrylic paint from Model Masters ( burnt umber, burnt sienna and raw umber too ).


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