Modeling Cliches to Avoid when Building your Layout
In about 15 minutes...without visiting all the picture links because I'm on a hotel server...I've learned a lot about my layout, some mistakes I've either made or am contemplating. Thank you! The article on adding needed roadways, bridges, embankments, and correct vehicles hit home. I'm one of those who is on his second layout, but really the first serious attempt at a layout that will probably last me many years with little changing. So it goes without saying that I want to get it right the first time, without spending precious resources ripping up what was put down wrong. Just by reading the short articles, I've already learned quite a number of great mistakes to avoid, and tips to use. One of the things I value about this forum is the ability to garner so many great insights, hints, and critical comments about my layout (past and present) and modeling work. So I whole-heartedly think you should continue this series. Good work.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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