DN163K1B vs DN163K1C
You're so right...I'm starting to look at TCS and MRC. I have a contact here in Charlotte that's a TCS installer/dealer and I've already added two Sound MRC decoders that seem to work well in a Kato SD80MAC and AC4400. My only complaint about the MRC decoders is the lighting is very dim. Even when I set the CV value to the highest setting, it's very dim. I don't think the "generic" decoder board has the bulb length needed to properly illuminate the number boards and head/rear lights. I might try adding a small pipe of clear plastic to transmit the light from the bulb to the headlight a bit better. I also wish the MRC Sound decoder had four or five volume settings. Sometimes it's great to turn it up, but sometimes you need it very quiet.

I consider myself a novice at installing and choosing decoders. As long as the manufacturer recommends a certain model, I'll try it. But I don't have the knowledge yet to pick and choose which decoder would be the best based on electrical needs of a particular engine. Maybe I'm making more of this than needs be since we're talking about such a small power draw, but I'd like to choose the best one I could for each application.

Thanks again!

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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