DN163K1B vs DN163K1C
Quick update again....

I made the K1B fit...it was quite simple. All you need to do is follow the disassembly instructions on the Kato website about this particular decoder installation, and install the K1B decoder. But, before reattaching the shell, file both front and rear light bulbs flat and inline with the top of the frame. Also, snip off about 1/16" of the plastic that transmits the light from the bulb to the ditch lights. That was it! I should have purchased the right decoder as Kato suggested, but unfortunately, that information was posted by Kato long after I ordered the engines and wrong decoders. The only difference...the K1C decoder has a tiny LED light if I remember correctly while the K1B has a small "rice" light bulb. Once you remove any material inside the SD70 shell that interferes with the larger light bulbs - the decoder fits fine.

(I'd return the decoders I've ordered, but my LHS owner called today and said they arrived in the store...and there's really no returning anything. Go figure.) Cheers

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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