2-8-2's kitbuild ’09 summer challenge
I realize that I'm waaaay behind the pack, getting started at such a late date, but I will toss my hat into the ring nonetheless. I will be building the Walther's Red Wing Mill in N scale, which will later become part of a GERN facility. Here is an excerpt from my road's website, about the planned GERN Industries Limited - Milling and Refining Division:
Quote:The Akron, Ohio division of GERN Industries, Ltd. is a Flux milling and refining facility. Through their patented and closely-guarded manufacturing process, powdered Flux is triple sifted, double-puffed, soft roasted, and polished. The end result is GERN Flux Pellets, used in a variety of products, including Fluxolium.

Unrefined Flux enters the facility via boxcar or covered hopper and is stored in silos before processing. The finished product leaves the plant in much the same manner, by rail in either bulk form to other GERN locations, or is shipped in boxes directly to the end user.

[Image: DSC00169.jpg]

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