Prototype modeling - how far can you take it?
MountainMan Wrote:As I have stated before, I don't post any of my modeling work here, because I don't believe this to be the kind of forum that is receptive to non-standard ideas.

What is a "non-standard" idea?
Galvanized steel studs, instead of wood for bench work? Carbon fiber sheets instead of plywood for base? Spray on insulation for landforms? Scratch Building structures out of candy wrappers?
There you're jumping to conclusions as no one would be receptive to non standard idea. How do you know unless you post them? Your "Non-standard" idea, might be some new and easier process for building bench work, painting rolling stock, operating a train. Folks here I think would say "Hey!..That's a good idea. I think I'll try that!".
Keeping new ideas and techniques to yourself, is awful selfish. Model railroaders, well most, enjoy sharing their ideas to others. That "non-standard" idea you have, and refuse to post, might help a struggling modeller improve his skill, and might make him enjoy the hobby more.

If there is a forum, that wraps its arms around "non-standard ideas", why don't you post a link to that forum showing your work using those ideas and techniques. I think folks here are interested in what ideas you have, and which ones worked to your advantage, with outstanding results. It might just inspire someone to give it a try.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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