Downtown Orlando, Fl
Howdy! I've been lurking for a while and this thread is as good a point to jump in as any. I've been researching FCEN for several months now. I love this road because of the variety in motive power it's seen over the past decade—everything from doodlebugs and Baldwin 2-6-2s to "cutting edge" CF7s and GP18s... Not so many flamingo-pink fruit packers as Miami boasts, perhaps... Wink

I've spent most of my time on the Northbound and Southbound branches closer to my home and daily commute thus far, but I'm starting to dip my toes into the Silver Star industrial park area. If there's still interest, I'll be happy to take requests. I respect fences and No Tresspassing signs, but I'll do my best within those limits; some of those sidings between long buildings are not at all accessible.

Here's a shot I took today at the now-closed Appliance Direct facility on Ace just off 441. I just dropped by on the way home from work; the light wasn't really right to shoot here. I'll have to come back on a morning. These cars don't belong here (the cars in the Bing photo might have when it was taken); FCEN leaves loose cars parked all over the place; I never know if I'm looking at a team track or a storage spur. I'll find out where they live soon enough!
[Image: appliancedirect01.jpg]

[Image: appliancedirect02.jpg]

Here's a shot of the Orlando Coca Cola bottling plant on Seaboard road just off Silver Star Road.
[Image: cola01.jpg]

Oh, and here's an industry that comes with vintage Milwaukee boxcars and a Missouri Pacific caboose! It's Tool World out of Eustis. Makes paints.
[Image: toolworld01.jpg]

Great community, and I look forward to sharing and learning.

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