Fast Tracks Points Tip
jonte Wrote:Inadvertently, you've adopted prototype practice, which is probably why it works Thumbsup Have a look at Iain Rice's book on creating 4mm scale track (or even the free extract of his Proto 87 Maine layout available on the Model railroader web site);

Thanks jonte - I'll give it a look - see. I've been busy adding joint bars to my shelf layout, but have avoided the turnouts for the most part until I better understand what details belong where.

tetters Wrote:The only time I have encountered this problem is if I've had too much rail sticking out of the groove when filing the points. Typically, I make sure that the edge of the rail head closest to tool just barely exits the opening where the rail sticks out.

This is good advice, and something you only need to deviate from once before you figure out that you don't want to deviate from it! The angled cut takes even more of the filing away. It could simply be a placebo for me, but if it works, it works! Smile
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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