Commodity storage in covered hoppers
Gary S Wrote:... With Houston being the petroleum capitol of the nation, plastic pellets are a major commodity that is produced around here. I'm seeing that the manufacturers are producing product 24/7 and then loading the pellets in covered hoppers and sending them to storage yards. Then when a customer makes a request, the hoppers are taken from the storage yard and sent on their way. Instead of storing thousands of tons of pellets in silos, they are stored in the covered hoppers in a huge yard east of Houston. ...
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O.K. ... I just had a big chuckle ...

At the risk of stirring up a big pot of Bunker Two ... and being on the receiving end of complaints .... again ...

Gary, you reminded me of something that I think of every time I hear/read some story on one of the dozen or so news outlets that I monitor each day about cancelling drilling permits, or putting areas of suspected oil deposits off limits for drilling. The cry goes out for alternatives to oil, coal or nuclear -- i.e., wind, solar and electric (currently generated by coal ... no pun intended) is promoted by the environmental alarmists.

But the thing I'm not so sure any of those same environmental alarmists are considering in their rush to ban the use of oil ...

... is their pending nudity, due to scarcity of used clothing, increased dental problems due to a lack of tooth brushes, or the fact that their new electric cars will only go 17.5 mph as they will weigh four tons, being made almost entirely of steel, imported from off shore, driving the price of the vehicle up to the point where only Bill Gates and Waren Buffet will be able to afford one ...

... and I have to chuckle ...

... because your big S.I.T. yard will have become a storage facility for empties ... or they could turn the hoppers into "mobile homes" for the unemployed homeless people who used to work in the plants that produced the plastics from foreign oil. 357 357 357 357

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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