Scratch built Vandy Tender.
Sumpter250 ( quote)
The drivers that came with my kit, were (expletive, deleted)
I ordered a set of drivers from Bowser, that were 1 scale inch smaller than the Allegheny had. When I tried them in the "Arbour" frames, the flanges made contact. I have to make new frames. When I get around to revisiting the project, I'll do fully equalized suspension. With the "tons of weight" boiler casting, the thing should pull the world!
For those who don't know the Arbor Models 2-6-6-6:

That probably makes--- with mine -- TWO of those locos that actually got done! Looks pretty good.! YES, they ARE HEAVY!

I'l l get mine out & take some pics of it , it's about 20 -30 percent brass replacement parts , I did use the Arbour drivers.
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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