A one evening turntable bash
Those warnings about not relying on rail joiners may also be more critical to folks who use sectional track then take apart and put together various track configurations down on the floor or loose on a ping-pong table. OR folks for whom humidity and dust are more problematic (like in an unfinished shed or garage). If your layout room is well insulated and moisture regulated you may have no trouble whatsoever.

I was in the club of which Russ speaks and agree that such stern standards may be needed for modular layouts. Hunting gaps and shorts in front of the viewing public is not good PR for the hobby. I have also heard it said you should NOT solder joints but rely strictly on feeders because track will expand and contract and without expansion gaps will buckle and go out of gauge. Again I think it depends on the environment.

Just report back in a couple years to let us know how it's going. If all is well, fantastic. If not, well, that's important data too and I'm sure others would benefit from your experience either way. Thumbsup

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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