Plug-n-Play decoder, non-Plug-n-Play Loco?
Boy! Thanks for all the dedicated help! I so appreciate it!

The Reading units based on the data and photos offered here do show the single trumpet horn centered by the roof above the cab windows on the hood end. The photos show much interesting detail, except the name cast into the base of the horn is not quite legible! Therefore, your first hand knowledge and considered speculation is even more than a steam guy having his first diesel lessons could ask! (I have a first edition of the Diesels Spotters Guide, but I only got it because I was ordering a half-dozen for the hobby shop and I got an extra 1/4% discount from the distributor if I ordered more than 6 copies. Now it comes in handy!)

Squid ... I didn't have to cut one piece of corrugated for a speaker mock-up. After looking "under the hood" (Oh, yeah! I'm a bit of a hot rod guy!) I decided I would measure available volumes and then pick the speaker based on cubic millimeters I had to fill. I like all of your advice on sealing off the space ... that same principle works in 1:1 scale stereo speakers, too!

[The architect's office where I worked putting myself through design school was on the second floor of a small, two story office building right off Rittenhouse Square in Downtown, Center City Philly. It had a drafting room at the back with a vaulted two-story-high ceiling, with a vaulted glass greenhouse ceiling in the middle of it ... a huge space! The architect had built these gigantic Klipsch folded horn speaker enclosures that had fiberglas batt insulation lining them and they were sealed up tighter than brand new custom insulated double-pane glass storm windows. They also had 15" pressure equalizers in them. One night, the two of us were working late (past 11:00 PM,) he cranked up the 1200W tube-type Macintosh Amp while playing the Band's "Up on Cripple Creek" on the Empire Turntable. If you know that song, you could feel the thump-thump-tha-dumpdumpdump" of the bass guitar and bass drum in your chest. It was only 15 minutes before Philadelphia's Finest had strolled over from "The Square" and were ringing the doorbell! It seems people in the ritzy high-rise condominiums and hotels overlooking the Square (a couple blocks away, but above us by more than a couple floors) had complained about the noise at that hour!]


Wherever I do finally put the speaker, Squid, I'll seal the space up good and tight after adding some sound deadener on the inside!

EDIT: OCD made me correct typos and misspelled words!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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