Plug-n-Play decoder, non-Plug-n-Play Loco?
A lot will depend on how the locomotive is built. Where they have the gear towers and drive line set up.
Most of the time you can build a shelf to set the decoder onto. I would use the AT board, as it is a little easier to work with (IMO).You have track pickup terminals at each end of the decoder to work with (less wires for you to mess with) Has a 1.5 volt terminal for lights ( most brass units use 1.5 volt bulbs)
For the speaker?? are there any see through grills? If there are you can mount the speaker so it is covering the grill from the inside so the sound will exit through the grill(s) If there are no grills you will have to mount the speaker facing down on the main frame of the unit. You will need to drill holes in the floor to do this. A 16MM X 35MM speaker will provide plenty of sound. Don't for get you must find a place for the capacitor too.
Does this unit have all 8 wheels picking up power?
Do you have a photo of the unit with the shell removed? Might be of some help for ideas.

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