gobbleygook DCC
It's not the interface, it's the software. I've tried it out - anyone can download it and it runs even without being connected to the system. It has easy stuff for programming MRC decoders, but when it comes to the other brands, it simply lists CVs, it doesn;t have all the nice plain ENglish descriptions for what the CVs mean, and nice dropdowns with the choices explained like JMRI does. Maybe if more MRC system owners complained they would give in and work with the JMRI team. They are the ONLY DCC system vendor to reject JMRI (and as a byproduct, any other commercial software like RR&Co, which is REALLY nice for adding automation, easier to set up than JMRI for stuff like that). I haven't heard a single coherent argument that makes sense from MRC as to why the refuse. They'd still have to sell you the interface to hook your ocmputer to the system, that doesn't go away. And they don't charge for their software, so if you used JMRI instead it's not like they would be loosing any money

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