Arizona Big Trains
When I lived in Los Gatos, CA (just south of San Jose & Silicon Valley) my Dad would call from Pennsylvania at 06:30 on a Saturday (like I could see to find the phone to answer it at that hour!) and ask if I had felt the earthquake that he had heard about on the news and what did it feel like.

"Dad, do you realize that I'm three hours behind you out here?!!! What earthquake? Where was the earthquake, Dad?"

"It was in Eureeka, CA. So, did you feel it? What does an eathquake feel like?"

"Eureeka, Eureeka, (under breath, where the hell is Eureeka?) Hold on Dad, let me get a map. (I'm awake now.) I look at the map and find Eureeka ... way up there!

"Dad, if you are sitting in the kitchen in your house in the Philadelphia suburbs, having breakfast with Mom, and they have an earthquake in Pittsburgh, do you think you would feel it?"

"Well, no ... that's almost three hundred miles away!"

Well, O.K., then! No, Dad I didn't feel the earthquake ... and please, Dad, try to remember when it's 9:30 in the morning for you, it's only 6:30 for me. Goodbye, Dad."

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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