Scratched Fish Cannery
I really like the Scratchin -n- Bashin section. I've never been able to build anything the way the kit manf. intended , so everything I do is bashed or scratch. Some folks say cobbled would be more apt tho. Eek
Here is a couple pics of the Ramona Bay Fishermans Collective that I scratched for the S.N.O.B.'s Tule Springs & Western Railroad.
I used Scribed wood over a stryene core. The shingles are cedar cigar wrapper , applied one by one, windows are Grandt line with microscope slide glass panes. There is an operating wall clock in the office on the left side, the screen door has actual screen in it .( It was made out of the filter screen of an old GM auto-transmission --super fine stuff!! They don't use it anymore now they are some kind of foam stuff, try an old trans shop they may have some old ones left -thats where I found this one)
The open door on the right side has a simulated Arc welder working inside , not flashing lights but a rig that puts out sparks like welding slag along with the welding arc.
The last thing I'm gonna mention is the working brass carved weather-vane, a swordfish. Hope I haven't bragged too much.
I'm sorry about the quality of the pics, I had them on a disc but I lost it so I had to lift them by reshooting them from another forum I put them on a long time ago. The Toole Springs & Western was dismantled after Frank Burke passed on & the building now is residing on a friends layout ---for now-- It WILL go to Colorado with me next year.

Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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