Modern Chevron Gas Station
Well, folks... The landscaping is completed and I put in the price portion of the street sign (Chevron logo is missing, but it's already all over the place). There's a few things I would like to add to this model, but in the spirit of "moving on" I will leave those to a time when I can dedicate myself to detailing. For now, I dub this puppy "COMPLETE"! (WOOO! Never thought the day would come!)


And the moment several of you have been waiting for... the "Grand Lit Finale" or better known as "LIGHTITUPALREADYWILLYOU" time. Gosh... I sure hope it lives up to all the hype! :mrgreen: Big Grin Goldth


And last but not least, a closer up view showing the lights from underneath the canopy. I really am pleased with my new digital camera... this picture was taken in complete darkness and the light from the LEDs is nice and white. The yellow glow from the incandescent bulbs in the interior is very apparent in this pictures. Well... Enjoy! Goldth Goldth Goldth


Quote:Originally posted by Freelancer
The only problem I see is that if it is supposed to be a modern gas station, the prices at the pump are much too cheap.
It's funny you should say that... someone on the Atlas forum said the prices were 20 cents too cheap as well. These prices came straight from one of my research photos that I took about 2 - 3 weeks ago... Gosh, how much is gas in other parts of the country!!! :o :o :o

Gas prices certainly have soared lately. 93 octane was $2.04/gal today!

Anyway, here's an update: I put the components I got at radio shack. Now, with the wires going INTO the blue clip, all my LEDs are wired in parallel. Then FROM the blue clip, it's in series with a 470ohm resistor with the wires pointing down feeding DC power at 12 volts. So now, to change out a "light-board" I unscrew the little screws, take out the wires, and pull it out. I still need to figure out what to do with the 1.5v bulbs.


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