Model Railroad Economy
I was doodling layout plans this week and put together decidedly retro model railroad concept - the self-contained home layout. You remember them from the magazines up through the 1970s, layouts where every industry had another paired with it for traffic routing and where interchanges were a foreign concept. I started listing industry pairs that could play off each other and here's what I came up with:

In: Flour, Boxes
Box Factory
In: Pulpwood, Coal
Out: Boxes
In: Coal, Grain
Out: Beer
Concrete Plant
In: Stone
Coal Tipple
Out: Coal
Out: Milks, Butter
Flour Mill
In: Grain
Out: Flour
Furniture Factory
In: Lumber, Boxes
Out: Furniture
Grain Elevator
Out: Grain
Lumber Yard
In: Lumber, Coal
Out: Stone
Out: Lumber, Pulpwood
In: Lumber, Furniture, Flour, Milks, Butter

I've tried to keep industries to a manageable model size. A steel mill could supply an auto plant that ships finished cars, but both of those are generally HUGE facilities that would overwhelm a home layout. Anything else to add to a retro-styled model railroad economy?

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