Naming trains?
Everyone has been great help so far. Picking up bits and pieces from all the ideas, and sort of going with the BNSF system that Reinhard posted, here is what I have at the moment:

Train numbers consist of 2 letters and 2 numbers:

|Train Type | Area or Industry Served | Section | Direction |

Train Type: F is general freight, U is a unit train, T is a transfer

Area or Industry Served: L is Local, G is GERN, S is Seabrook, M is Mountain King Potatos

Section: this is a number, for example, the first local freight of the day is 1, the second local freight is 2, etc

Direction: 1 is west, 2 is east (the only directions on the line)

Some examples:

First local freight of the day, heading West: FL11
Return trip of the above train, heading East: FL12

Gern unit train from BNSF interchange heading west: UG11

Seabrook train leaving BNSF interchange to Seabrook: FS11
Same train returning from Seabrook: FS12

If traffic warranted a second Seabrook train on a given day: FS21 and FS22 for the return trip.

Still need to expand on this, extra trains, yard jobs and such. I'm not married to this yet, so what do you guys think? Again, thanks for all the input.

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