Bachman motors
I've been running several (4) Bachman 060 locos in a small quad loop in a store front
these beasts
[Image: bachman.jpg]
Now I know they aren't at the top end of the price range but

We have now bought several of these beasts for the display- from the factory they last 2 to 4 weeks of running basically non stop for 8 hrs a day, 6 days a week

total is 96 to 190 hrs running before breakdown (usually smoke escaping)- that is factory stock untouched
Brand new with me doing a `clean and lube' with full disassembly and cleanup (including commutator clean and brush reface) they stretch out to 2 or 3 months
(thats about 600hrs of running)

is it usual for locos to be so `shortlived' or is it just these locos?

unfortunately we are wanting these as they are similar to local cane haulers and so wanted for a small window display but at the rate they are failing, it's probably not going to last much longer

Any ideas?
poopsie chicken tush

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