Nice little switchlist generator
By Dave Husman, a modification of an idea by Mike Rose:

How it is used:
You once fill in your industries and spots on the first sheet - and then copy the relevant lines to the other sheets - based on job (and perhaps location/town if you want to use that as well).

Job, Industry, Spot and Car type is probably self explanatory.
Frequency is how many days (out of 7 sessions/days) on average a delivery request will be generated for that spot.
Excessive delivery probability is the percentage chance of a car being delivered even if the spot will not be available (i.e off spot cars)
Leave occupied probably affects whether a pull request will be generated for an occupied spot

When you want to generate a new switchlist you just go through the column "occupied" and removes the x if the spot is not occupied, or adds an x if the spot is occupied. The columns "pick up" and "deliver" are generated, based on frequency, excessive delivery probability and leave occupied probability.

The rest of the sheets are just selections of data from the first sheet, in a format more suited to be printed for each job.

Simple, yet nice. Adds an element of randomness to the traffic.


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