Trucklover's 2009 Resolution Challenge ~~ P1
So with the work of the panels out of the way, i began work on the road repairs for the module.

I discovered that the roads were worse then i thought, there were lots of cracks and such, so a large section was pulled up and filled in with new material. 2 Other dime sized spots were also cut out and filled in with new material. This should improve the roads so no more potholes lol

I also removed some of the striping. Once i get the new road completely filled with the second coat, i will paint it black again using the WS asphalt top coat. Once that is completely dry, i will lay down some masking tape and begin to paint in some lines on the new road

Pics to come soon
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World

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