what is the most popular type of locomotive on your layout
Josh and Tom, thank you both for the very kind words. Goldth Tom, you're correct: the weights were cast to suit. Actually, I thought that my locos might be difficult to sell, as I take out anything, including lights, that doesn't contribute to their operation and pulling power. That home-made plug set-up, to facilitate truck change-out, might be suitable for a DCC hook-up, although I'm not sure that the motor is totally isolated from the frame.

And, to get this thread back on topic, the most-used locos on my layout are, like Steve's, eight-coupled steam. These include four Grand Valley Consolidations (modified Bachmanns):

Four Erie Northshore Mikados (modified Athearns):

An Elora Gorge & Eastern Mohawk (modified Bachmann):

And a CNR 0-8-0 (modified Proto2000):

Still to come, two CNR Consolidations, one DW&P Consolidation, a TH&B Consolidation, and an EG&E heavy Mike.


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