doctorwayne's 2013 Get Off Your Duff Challenge - Part 1
To get back to Dr Wayne's specific project, or something like it, it's possible to do similar things with other plastic reefers. I've sanded the Hutchins roof down on various Accurail cars and added Evergreen scribed siding. The B&M converted some MDT cars to milk cars as well as ice cars, doing exactly what Dr Wayne is doing with the Life Like reefer. Here's an Accurail car with new ice car roof and Bollinger Edgerley decals for cars that were used in ice storage at North Station Boston:
Here is an equivalent B&M milk car, project not done yet, but you get the idea, also Bollinger Edgerley decals:
Here's an Accurail Milwaukee Road ice service car that I need to fix the roof on (although these kept their hatches -- for the Accurail car, the ones mounted on the kit roof are removable, so I can replace the roof and reattach the hatches).
In all these Accurail cases, I simply sand the stock roof flat and add the scribed styrene on top.

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