Has anyone got advice on the foam incline sets
I'm looking to elevate one cruved track from 0" to about 4" to meet with a bridge over other tracks. I have about 20 feet to work with and have been looking into the Woodland Scenics 2% Incline Set (#ST1410). It's made of white foam in a zig-zag design which allows it to be very flexible (I would assume). The set comes in eight 2' sections and will raise the track to 4" in 16 feet. It looks good on the internet but I was wondering if any of you out there have use one of these incline sets yet. If so, how do you like it? Did it install easily and does it form a smooth grade? They're only about $20 so I thought it might be worth buying rather than messing around with other metahonds I've used in the past, which were a pain in the A$$. Any advice or info would be appreciated.


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