SpringRail 2013 Train Meet April 20 Alhambra CA
From Bob Chaparro
Model Railroads Of Southern California

It is that time of the year again for the 4th Annual Los Angeles Division NMRA SpringRail Meet. Non-NMRA members are very welcome.

First Christian Church
200 S. 5th Street, Alhambra CA 91801

Map Link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://tinyurl.com/cm66tok">http://tinyurl.com/cm66tok</a><!-- m -->

This year the Los Angeles Division/NMRA is offering FREE admission to this event for NMRA members FREE. If you would like morning coffee, lunch and afternoon soda or water that is available (by advanced reservation) for $10. Non-member admission fee is $10 which will be used to purchase you an NMRA Rail Pass. There will be an additional $10 if you want the lunch package (by advanced reservation). Each attendee will get one free Hobo Auction ticket that contains 25 chances for prizes. That alone is a $5 value.To be sure we have a lunch for you we ask that you sign up by emailing Mike Allee at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:rmallee@me.com">rmallee@me.com</a><!-- e --> and include in the subject line SpringRail lunch signup.
This event will start out at 7:00 am with a Swap Meet, followed with educational clinics starting at 8:00 am. The lunch break will also include the Hobo Auction with over 100 items, followed by more clinics. The event should end around 4:30 pm. We will also have some modular layouts to view as well as a contest table where you can enter a model of your choosing; prizes will be awarded on popular vote.


Todd Scott - How to add detail to your layout and make it come alive. Todd will demonstrate various techniques for adding details to your layout that will make it look more realistic.

Jim Fuhrman, DCC Camp - Here Jim will show you how to program you locomotive decoder and if you have a problem programming a locomotive bring it in and Jim will help you program it.

Andy Jackson - History and modeling opportunities of the LAJ (Los Angeles Junction Railway) Andy will show photos of the LAJ ALCO diesels from 1941 to 1974.

Lloyd Lehrer - Fast and easy pine and canopy tree (this is 2 clinics back to back). You will be given the opportunity to build a pine and canopy tree for your layout and take it home at no cost to the participant.

Carl Heimberger - Making molds and casting parts with casting resins and plaster. Carl will show you how to make an original, build a mold with RTV rubber compound, and make castings using casting resins and plaster.

P.S. : Mark your calendar for the free layout tour in the Long Beach-South Bay area on Saturday, May 18, sponsored by Model Railroads Of Southern California.
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Andy Jackson
Santa Fe Springs CA
ATSF/LAJ Ry Fan & Modeler

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