Posing A Question About THe Hobby
MountainMan Wrote:Good points. Maybe all of us are doing it all wrong...

I don't really follow you with this statement. Which "all of us" do you mean? Do you mean the "all of us" who run only brass, or only the ones who run only the brass engines that we make from scratch? Is the hobby providing room for other ways to enjoy it?

I don't mean to sound coy, or facetious, but I would suggest that "all of us" are doing it exactly right. We are doing it as we see fit, and would probably not welcome much judgement from those who would seek to put our enjoyment to some arbitrary or personal/subjective test. Just as I can make water using a two part epoxy, so can others use a single pour in Woodland Scenics products. Is that I do three functions in order to get a water effect, the measuring and mixing, and then the pour, a de facto judgement that my way about the hobby is better than those who elect for the measure and pour, one less step than mine? And who is to say so to whom both of us ought to defer in matters of this nature?

I don't want to get into a heated debate about this, but the subject, as introduced, while couched in terms suggestive of an invitation to dialog, reads to me as more a line drawn in the sand, a judgement, and amounts to an attempt to bifurcate this young forum into two camps....as threads of this nature almost always manage to do whever I enounter them. Whose "side" are "all of us" on?

Live and let live.

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