Posing A Question About THe Hobby
bob_suruncle Wrote:On the topic of whether or not Model railroader should do articles on contractor built layouts.... tough question....

Let me throw out a few thoughts: A number of years ago I was involved in a small way with a group of about 6 model railroaders building a custom layout for a rather wealthy gentleman. The layout was very well done and looked amazing and would have probably been well received in MR because it was built by model railroaders.... however... Calling the gentleman who purchased said layout a model railroader would be completely inaccurate. He actually contracted a guy to come in and clean his track regularly and service the rolling stock. For it to be a hobby you need to be involved in it. The layout in question was a novelty for the first few weeks and then it sat dormant for years until the gentleman decided the space was more suited to a pool table or wet bar or something. The same guy who arranged the original build was then contracted to come in and get rid of it... after various attempts to sell the layout as a whole it was disassembled.

So although Squidbait went off on a slightly tongue in cheek tangent he was in some ways correct that really model railroaders don't buy complete turnkey layouts IMHO. However the layout(s) in question, although they are built for profit, are generally built by skilled model builders and I can certainly enjoy looking at their work and getting some ideas from their build.

Parting thought: The concern here seems to be that articles on contractor built layouts are nothing more than glorified advertisements. The Franklin and South Manchester has graced the pages of MR on numerous occasions and George Selios is an amazing model builder but one could argue that the articles on the F&SM were glorified advertisements for his Fine Scale Miniatures line. If all MR articles were of contractor built layouts I would certainly start to wonder about the effectiveness of the magazine to build the hobby but throwing one in from time to time doesn't bother me.

The sad thing is that contractor built layouts are very much like the rest of this and most other hobbies in that people want instant gratification and their attention spans are 3.8 seconds long as they flit from one interest to another as they lose interest and their wallet allows.

As an aside; I would be embarrassed to have my layout in MR if I didn't build it myself.

Why...if there is nothing wrong with the practice? :?

The most interesting thing about this whole discussion is the apparent confusion of people who see nothing wrong with it or with publishing it in a hobbyist magazine. but would "never do it themselves".` Either it is acceptable or it isn't. It's pretty hard for it to both simultaneously.

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