Posing A Question About THe Hobby
MountainMan Wrote:The most interesting thing about this whole discussion is the apparent confusion of people who see nothing wrong with it or with publishing it in a hobbyist magazine. but would "never do it themselves".` Either it is acceptable or it isn't. It's pretty hard for it to both simultaneously.

Not really: I can appreciate that some people like skydiving, but I wouldn't do it myself. Eek
Similarly, some people may like some aspect of model railroading, but not have the talent or ability, for whatever reason, to create it themselves. That doesn't mean that they won't enjoy it, in their own way, even if it entails simply admiring it, as they would a painting.

Your original comment, at the start of this thread, was concerned with the presentation of the layout, and your feeling that it was more akin to advertising than what we've come to expect when a layout tour is presented.

MountainMan Wrote:Starting on page 52 of the Feb '09 Model Railroader is a presentation of a layout titled Steaming Through The Winter Wonderland. It is a nice layout, but it wasn't built by the owner; it was commissioned from Raildreams, Inc., a commercial firm.

My feelings are that this isn't a proper display of a layout made by an owner or club, but essentially amounts to advertising for the company that did all the work. From a modeler's viewpoint, I'm uncomfortable with the way this was presented, but maybe I'm too much of a purist.

I'm interested in the opinions of other members.

I agree with your assessment of the article, but, as much as the owner's methods run contrary to my own thoughts on layout construction, I cannot fault him for making the decisions about this that he did. The fault, if any needs to be assigned, is with the method of presentation. Since it has upset you to such a degree, it may be more productive for you to write to Model Railroader, expressing your concerns.


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