My new basement, or, how to fill it
It's HO, and those a 1 ft grid lines. Forget what I've posted in various places at times - 28" minimum radius, mid 50's era, LOTS of 2 bay coal hoppers, 40 foot cars mostly, few 50 footers tossed in for some spice. No passenger trains at the moment, if I do, they will be shorty cars per the prototype, no 85 foot Pullmans here.

Having trains essentially trapped in staging at the end of a run isn't a huge deal to me, at least in the way I think of staging - it's somewhere else, so unless the train only goes another town or two past the modeled area and is really a local turn, I don't see a train that has exited the modeled portion as ever coming back in the same session. Maybe the next session it would head back the other way, but that's what just running trains with no set schedule to follow is for, restaging things for the next formal op session. If I even have them - I figure most of the time I will actually just be operating alone. But even if I do manage to get enough interest to have a regular op session, never in a million years can I imagine my layout laying idle other than some restaging and maybe any needed repairs. I know there are some people who are like that, their layout never gets touched between monthly op sessions, outside of continuing construction or fixing any problems that came up in the last session. I don't see myself ever being like that, I like to run trains too much. Maybe too much - once the track gets to the point where I can run trains, more often than not I end up picking up a throttle when I go tot he train room instead of finishing scenery or other activities.

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

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