To sell or not to sell???? Whaaaat!!!!
The other day while in one of my less than lucid moments (bi-polar and manic depression) I was looking at my layout and said to myself-"self" why the hell don't sell this thing. Face it your
finances are in the toilet and you really don't like running trains (would rather work on scenery and details then run trains). After giving this a lot of thought I came to my senses and said
to myself again-"are you out of your mind?" You have labored on this layout for over six years and you would sell it? Not likely. It's true-I don't think I could ever sell it even if things
in my personal life suck and they do. I have invested too much time,effort and money into this layout just to get it to this point. Eek
I'm curious-have any of my fellow modelers ever been in a similar situation? Thumbsup
"My railroad is a figment of my imagination"


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