doctorwayne's Get off yer duff Challenge (Part II)
twilight Wrote:I'm sorry, but did I just count 18 pieces of rolling stock you worked on and have gotten on your layout since the end of November? That's pretty impressive! Worship Worship Worship

Mark Thumbsup

Thanks, Mark, but I dunno....I may be out of control. Crazy Misngth I hadn't counted until you mentioned it, but I still have three more scratchbuilds to complete (start) in Part III of my Challenge, and that 2-6-6-2 in Part I. I'm getting close to the end with freight cars, I think, although every time I find an interesting photo of one, it's hard to resist building a model of it.
I still have close to a dozen locomotives to re-work, a bunch of passenger cars and cabooses to scratchbuild, and lots to do on the layout for which they're all being built. Maybe it's time to cull the herd. Eek


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