E-paw's duff challenge - Part II
This afternoon's progress was to reassemble, test and weather the J-1. As I was putting it all back together something caught my eye,,, two of the handrail stations were missing!!! I matched them the best I could with what I had. Once painted I doubt anyone would notice.

She was then test run, coupler height checked, and double-checked for proper headlight polarity. Now that I am happy with all that, she is off to the paint shop for some weathering.    

I looked at as many color prototype photos as I could find during my breakfast and noticed a few similarities in the weathering. Most had a dull, dusty appearance. The ones with water scoops had messy tender trucks, the ones with out had almost shiny ones. and they all seemed to suffer from a steam leak near where the throttle linkage entered the boiler. The amount of sand deposits varied with each engine. I tried to keep this in mind while I applied the various weathering colors. I used my stockpile of Poly-Scale water based paints for this part of the project.    


I tried to highlight the water scoop so it would not be lost in the shadows under the tender.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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