Old Steamers
Lots of great old steamers here... keep them coming!

I don't model much in the summer, as nice weather here is regrettably brief, but I've done some work this fall and winter so far. I found some more Bowser kits, including a E-6, an Old Lady Connie, and a Challenger to go with my K4s. I've been working on the E-6:


Unfortunately, all of these kits are missing parts, even ones with factory sealed bags. Bowser has sent me some parts, and sold me some, but I'm still short lots of parts. I've found some on eBay, but the Old Lady in particular is missing the most. Most of the missing stuff is hardware, but the back of the cab could be a problem, so I'll try to make one out of styrene.

I also seem to have got a reputation for liking "old junk." I was given this from an estate:


It's a Bachmann (not a Spectrum) 4-8-4, and it seems to have broken axles. Apparently the best fix is to buy a mechanism from Bowser, but they don't make them any more. Any advice?

I was also given this, after someone saw my Big Boy Remotor:


Not sure what I'm going to do with it, but the tender (not pictured) will go with my Challenger as soon as I can figure out how to get into it.

So I've got hours of fun to look forward to in the basement this winter!

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