WARNING! Rapido GMD-1 ditch lights
Hi Lutz,
I did not know the meaning of MTC ..... but that explains everything to me. ESU is grown up with the fenced market of proprietary Maerklin design.

I try to avoid ESU decoders where ever possible and the Tsunami PNP decoders fit perfect in most other engines. e.g. the Intermountain U18B and GP10 are perfectly glad to receive a Tsunami. I am positive the current Atlas-ESU disease can be cured with a PNP decoder very well too :-)

The GMD-1 has a very different design that makes is at least to me almost impossible to install a PNP decoder without massive milling. The light units are very integrated and the cables are terrible short. May be I will give it a try some time later.


Anyhow the great Rapido company got a top position on my black list just next to ESU.

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