Nscale Kato P42 Digitrax Decoder Install Problem
Thanks guys for some great suggestions...I tried them all and proved that all was well with the engine before I tried adding the decoder.

The problem is solved! I got some advice I'd like to share...

I reprogrammed the decoder to a two-digit address instead of the four-digit address I first attempted. The engine's road number is "62" and I tried reprogramming the engine to "0062" address...I'm not sure the Zephyr liked that. So I reprogrammed it to "62" and gained control of the lighting. Next I made sure to bent the motor tabs that would touch the decoder motor pickup area "upwards" so when the plastic tab (that hold them down and in contact with the decoder) was installed, it made the motor tabs have positive contact with the decoder. After doing that three times, I finally got it exactly right (I guess) because now the engine/decoder works perfectly. From what others have mentioned...this decoder has to be placed exactly and the motor tabs touching just right or it won't work. One person even mentioned that he solders down the metal motor tabs to the decoder.

Thanks for the ideas guys...and I hope this info helps someone else with this engine/decoder!

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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