Interaction Hobbies CPR Portable station
I got quite a bit done over the past week, starting with putting some walls up:


The back and side walls are glued in place, the ticket wall was temporarily set in so I could square up the rear wall. I had to trim the chair rail around the ticket wall, something that has to be done with the front wall as well. The floor is a piece of laser-cut basswood that I stained with Flo-stain pine.


There were a number of things to do before installing the front wall. The first was to add the chair rail that had to be trimmed to fit around the window frames.

Then the desk had to be built and installed, starting with the two pedestals


Again that's a dime for scale.


And the finished desk.  There are 17 parts to the desk, and it still needs the chair. The desk is the same width as the station interior so it has to be added before the front wall goes in, otherwise it wonts clear the chair rails around the walls.


Then I turned my attention to the doors and the door knobs. The door knobs are 3-d printed parts and extremely fragile. I painted them brass while still on the carry sheet and then removed them.


I glued the doors on and then the door knobs. I really like how the screen door looks.

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RE: Interaction Hobbies CPR Portable station - by cnrglen - 01-17-2021, 01:05 PM

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