Desktop 3D printers
Why print a box car side and not a whole box car? Does the plastic glue well?
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Funny you should ask that Icon_lol

Question #1--- Was thinking about that a few min. ago, It could be done and might solve most of the texture problem in the highest resolution setting, the reasoning behind the car sides was that there are more than one type of car end out there. Next experimental print a complete car body less roof and floor(have to have some kind of assembly Icon_lol )

Question #2--- Have not used any glue yet but will post results later
The entire concept of a 3D printer is mind blowing to me.
The fact that the worlds of finance and law enforcement are afraid of these is even more mind blowing.

The world of finance is quaking because there is a central implication that a 3D printer can destroy the walls dividing the haves and the have nots.
The world of law enforcement is afraid that people are going to start printing guns.

I will hold my opinions on both, as this conversation is not about that.

I am fascinated by the concept of a 3D printer. What is more fascinating is that regular printers started out as dot matrix, daisy wheel low resolution garbage (by today's standards) but that was the razor's edge. How long before I can print a new car?
Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Well was interupted by an anoying power outage Shoot

Here is a 2D(jpg) pic of the carbody that I will try next on the printer

Well 3 trys and 3 fails to print out a box car body 35 The MakerBot support team is looking into the file to see if it is the file that is causing so much trouble as the test files that come with the printer print out fine but my design(s) are 50/50 at best , the texture with the side only was due to middle res setting, the weave pattern is much tighter and less noticable at the high res setting, the scoup on paint is that they suggest a coat of gray primer and then any kind paint you like. As for glue for most purposes crazy glue is fine. Maybe by this time tomorrow I will know if it is my drawing skills(or the lack there of). Untill I know where I went wrong will not waste anymore plastic Nope on a boxcar body but might reslice the boxcar side file at the high res setting.
Still working with tech support on how to better use the 3D printer, maybe in the morning I will try again as I have some tips from the manufacturer that are not in the manual but have been used by those who have been long time users and devleopers of the Maker Bot 3D printers.
Hello all it took 6 hours and 20 some min. to print out the first successfull aprox s scale botted boxcar 2285_ 2285_ 2285_

Here are some pics of the body of the box car still need to design the roof and chassies.



This is looking really interesting. The real test of the `finish' is how it looks with a coat of paint. Any chance of spraying one side and end of the box car body primer grey, and the other side and end box car red?
Andrew G.
Always learning, from both wins and losses.
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I will paint it with primer but I am out of oxide red/brown paint. It was printed at the highest resolution but is pretty much smooth and lacks the panel and rivet details (will add these to the next revision) as this was a concept test, the more details the longer it takes to print 24 but I have the confidence that I can print up a few boxcars with little to no problems now. 2285_
woah! Nice work!
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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nachoman Wrote:woah! Nice work!

This machine realy impressed me once I ironed out some design snags in the sketchup file, I draw the part in sketch up first then export the file to a .dae file which I import into Blender where I again export as an .STL file for use by the MakerBot software called Maker Ware, sounds complicated but is not that bad once you have done it a few times.

here is a pic of the carbody with one thin coat of testor's flat red from a rattle can. Judge for yourself, personaly I would give it at least 2 coats. Did not use any grey primer this is paint on the raw plastic.

Good to see that you're getting there!

Sorry about my lack of posting...long hours at office and a week with family/funeral.

I recommend googling pan head rivets and such...or just take a ruler to the nearest railroad siding and measure the rivets so that you can draw them accurately.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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A better software to create models:

It is free and is a version of ProEngineer. The model is parametric, meaning the model can be modified by changing the dimensions.

[Image: creo-dim.jpg]

[Image: creo_para.jpg]

Having been in the virtual world of trains for a while due to health reasons, I have tried both Blender and Sketchup to create 3d models and both are difficult. I did this in ProEngineer:

[Image: bomze_shadows.jpg]

[Image: creo.jpg]

Creo is an engineering software whereas Blender and Sketchup are "artsy" modelers so Creo is more suited for 3d printing.

Just a thought

EDIT: Used to make a living making 3d models with ProEngineer and Autocad Mechanical Desktop

Thanks for the tip,

Looks promising will play around with it later on today.

I printed a roof but need to tweak the size a bit before it will fit snug. Running low on pla filament just when I have everything fine tuned Icon_lol
If you are willing to spend $300 bucks there is this version of ProEngineer:

That is the one I use:

My unbuilt On30 cattle pens

[Image: cattle_loader.jpg]

ProEngineer can make parametric 2D drawings.


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