Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)


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You never mentioned being 10 feet tall? So how do all these bits fit together mate?

My Miami NW 22nd St layout and modelling blog Please come by and leave a comment.
dave_long Wrote:Jonte
You never mentioned being 10 feet tall? So how do all these bits fit together mate?


Hmmmm!!!......... I was waiting for that Sad That Iain Rice fella certainly has a wicked sense of humour Wallbang

I'm following/adapting his design for 'Ulysses' baseboards for which he proscribes a display height of five feet. Believe it or not, they're a tad under 5' so that the trains will be at just over five feet which is just below my viewing height - I'm 6' 2".

Still, if I'd been vertically challenged, I'd be off to Devon first light to find him !!!!

Funnily enough, he doesn't appear particularly tall so how he can claim that he built the trestles to arm pit level is beyond me Nope

Apart from that, I'm quite pleased with them; they're only constructed from 2" x 1" but still are surprisingly robust.

To answer the second part of your question, I'm not sure yet. Although I'm basing it on Ulysses, I'm actually just making it up as I go along so there are and will be a host of adaptions. So far, am thinking of just letting gravity take the strain, with the 4 baseboards plonked on top. The strap at the bottom allows vertical adjustment to maintain the level, and the top hinges have been placed far enough apart and raised to stop movement forwards or backwards widthways. The first and third trestles will be placed beneath the traverser (board #1) and sector plate (board #4) with the second (middle) trestle being placed beneath the joint of baseboards #2 and #3. The boards themselves are connected via hinges with replacement pins in both horizontal and vertical planes a la Barry Norman and purpose built nuts/bolts between boards #3 and #4 which are supplemented vertically with a further hinge connection - the boards, therefore, are quite rigid and thus self supporting. That'll be fine for my home use; both my offspring are grown up so there shouldn't be any problems with little 'uns using them for mountain climbing practice Icon_lol Still, won't be sure until test fitting has begun.

Wish me luck!!


PS....coincidentally, was about to PM you on our other forum in relation to track (you've no doubt read my earlier post and seen that, yet again, the issue of what track to use has reared its ugly head for reasons given, Therfore, I was going to ask: what's your experience with Micro Engineering Code 70 points? Will MOST items (locos and rolling stock) negotiate the crossing vees without the usual problems of wheel drop/striking crossing nose?
I'm aware from elsewhere on the web that electrical conductivity and the crossing section can be problematic, however, soldering holds no barr for me so not concerned with this aspect; just will my stock negotiate it smoothly? I remember you mentioning that you will be purchasing some in the near future, but just wondered whether you've used them before.

Best wishes and good luck with your deadline - looks great!!

Hi Jon,
They look pretty smart anyway the photos just make them look quite high. I'm only 5'7" but still like a high layout.

Onto ME turnouts unfortunately I've not used them before and my order (placed back in January) still haven't arrived yet. You must remember I'm a P4 modeller for my UK stuff so if you take my line on it then your never going to get 100% through the frogs. However if you read carefully a few reviews of ME turnouts the outer check rails are close enough to the stock rails to actually have an effect on the wheels (although I cannot verify this yet) this is why they are not good for UK 00 gauge. Then your other topic would be the wheelsets if you want as good running as you can possibly get then standard wheels across the fleet would be a good idea (but expensive) although you can get Kadee wheels sets in the UK.

I could go on.
My Miami NW 22nd St layout and modelling blog Please come by and leave a comment.
dave_long Wrote:Hi Jon,
They look pretty smart anyway the photos just make them look quite high. I'm only 5'7" but still like a high layout.

Onto ME turnouts unfortunately I've not used them before and my order (placed back in January) still haven't arrived yet. You must remember I'm a P4 modeller for my UK stuff so if you take my line on it then your never going to get 100% through the frogs. However if you read carefully a few reviews of ME turnouts the outer check rails are close enough to the stock rails to actually have an effect on the wheels (although I cannot verify this yet) this is why they are not good for UK 00 gauge. Then your other topic would be the wheelsets if you want as good running as you can possibly get then standard wheels across the fleet would be a good idea (but expensive) although you can get Kadee wheels sets in the UK.

I could go on.

Thanks for the compliment, Dave. I'm flattered!!

Sorry to put you on the spot about ME, but thanks for your honest and prompt response. Funnily enough, I also wrote to Lance earlier today for his take on them - he's gradually replacing his Atlas items with them - generously, he responded (since I wrote to your goodself earlier). Apart from one or two problems with conductivity, he says they're fine - it's just a case of as and when you can get them, as you've already kindly pointed out. I'll have a look on ebay - although not totally dismissing Peco Code 83 - I wonder how the Treneglos boys are getting on with them?

The search goes on - might even just stick with my own for now - not sure. Just going round in circles. Anyway, on with the carpentry!!!!

Best wishes.


Jonte, where will that unit fit in? Could you post a simple overview drawing? I got lost :?
faraway Wrote:Jonte, where will that unit fit in? Could you post a simple overview drawing? I got lost :?

Sure, Reinhard.

In the meantime, that unit is a traverser that I knocked up from an old kitchen sliding drawer. This is what I refer to as board #1.

Board #2 is the one adjacent to the traverser and where the scenic section will begin.

The next in line, board# 3, is also scenicked.

Finally, board #4 is where the scenic section will end, and the train will enter a sector plate. It'll be divided up as 2:1 (sector plate : scenic).

The sector plate will send the train back to the traverser (board #1) via a single track hidden behind the backscene (when I work out how to build it, that is, prefereably without any gaps!).

Yeah, I see what you mean.....confusing isn't it.

Let me find an old envelope!!

faraway Wrote:Jonte, where will that unit fit in? Could you post a simple overview drawing? I got lost :?

Hi Reinhard,

Sorry for the delay.

Hope this makes things a little clearer.

Best wishes,


jonte Wrote:....Hope this makes things a little clearer....

Thank you very much. You do not plan the obvious. That will be very interesting.

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