Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
Thought I would start the day off today with a few overall layout shots. Enjoy!

Cane River
[Image: 20140501_093605_5-1_zps34c933ae.jpg]

Winnfield Rock
[Image: 20140501_093614_3-1_zpsb410e2f4.jpg]

And a shot from a low flying aircraft Tongue
[Image: 20140501_093637_9-1_zpsfbaa2afa.jpg]
Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
So I had a look through my currently unused decoders and locos that they will fit in, and coupled with the DCC locos I have already, it looks like I will have the following roster DCC ready on the day of the exhibition:


Plenty of motive power, though some of it pretty archaic. I'm really looking forward to switching with the SD24 - high hoods for the win!
Not much progress this morning, but any progress is better than none, right?

With the success of the dirt colour on the extension board, I decided to go back over the main layout and re-paint the areas of exposed soil to match, as standing back and looking at the layout it was glaringly obvious that they were different. I'm much happier now, as it was really bugging me. Once I get home tonight I'll blend it in a little more with some scatter and static grass.

Anyway, judge for yourself. Oh, I also added more bushes to the front of the lumber yard.

[Image: 20140502_092321_3-1-1_zps778fc264.jpg]

I also gave my Little Plastic People a wash of Citadel "Ogryn Flesh". They need a lot more work but it makes a massive difference I think.

[Image: 20140502_092217-1_zps650e4a3f.jpg]

I spent the evening last night taking photos and making notes of the running numbers of all of my freight stock so I can make some waybills and car cards for switching. I didn't realise but (once the 5 extra flat cars I ordered arrive), I've got 57 freight cars - but that's counting the 16 coalporters or the 2 Gunderson 5 car well sets that I run in block trains.
Today my SD24 and 5 flat cars showed up. Not only that but the TCS AMD4 decoder for the SD24 turned up too!

So I spent the evening fitting it. Put it on the track, eager to test my new loco, and...


Uh-oh! So I switch over to a loco I know works. It runs fine. Back to the SD24 - nothing. Looked online, and apparently as the AMD4 is designed to fit in many different Atlas locos it doesn't sit snug in the SD24, and needs a little bit of packing to make a decent electrical contact. I cut a small strip of styrene to size and wedged it under the cab end of the decoder to just raise it a little.

Does it work? Of course it does! Big Grin

As such, to celebrate I got all of my DCC fitted locos together and - one by one - set the decoders to run from the long addresses, and programmed the loco running numbers into the decoders. Happy days.

Having all the locos together in one place I couldn't help but take this:
[Image: 20140503_005216_7_zps83fa2534.jpg]

And then, of course, I had to get a new profile picture for the Cane River facebook page:
[Image: 20140503_001739_13_zps62a3d61a.jpg]


I also spent my lunch break making some more lumber stacks for the yard, as well as generating and printing out car cards for each of my freight cars. Fun times to be had putting those together!
Nice low angle shot!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Finally stopped putting it off, and got the lumber shed finished. Well, it needs ladders adding at some point, I know I have some in my spares box somewhere! Big Grin

[Image: 20140505_182228_6-1_zps9bce8abb.jpg]
[Image: 20140505_182241_6-1_zpsa0576d14.jpg]
This evening I've been adding more ground cover to the whole layout, and I'm hoping I've not overdone it.

What do you guys think, too much, too little, just right..?

Sorry about the bright light, I had a lamp set up so I could see what I was doing.
[Image: 20140506_014714_13-1_zpsad10c5b0.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_014747_1-1_zps6f588424.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_014803_5-1_zpsa316efe1.jpg]

Finally, I had a bit of a mess around placing some of the plastic people. I kind of liked this one so took a snap:
[Image: 20140506_011152_6_zps8902f0b4.jpg]
Here are some better photos seeing as it's not 2am anymore! Tongue
[Image: 20140506_110150_7-1_zps5feb7d14.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_110132_6-1_zps23561cb5.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_110106_8-1_zps9c1518f4.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_110023_6-1_zpse31037d6.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_110014_5-1_zpsa36440b5.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_110033_5_zps098dfea7.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_110049_6_zps9ad8b445.jpg]
[Image: 20140506_110118_5_zps0ed59a56.jpg]
The evenings work:

[Image: 20140506_225821-1_zps01236fa3.jpg]

Nowhere near finished yet, but it's a start.

I'm happy with it for the most part, considering I don't own an airbrush. The vents at the rear need a lot more work, as they are messy at the moment.
Weathering looks great.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Cheers Mike, I'm hoping to have the progress shots from my SD70MAC and SD24 up tonight. Big Grin
And as promised, more work in progress loco weathering projects:

Atlas SD24
[Image: 20140507_180941_10-1_zpsb7263d57.jpg]

Kato SD70MAC
[Image: 20140507_181248_12-1_zpsb101605e.jpg]
Nice weathering Thumbsup

The level of ground cover looks spot on to me too.


Such is life
Well, small update time.

Over the last week I have been collecting items from a rather odd shopping list, which should allow me to crack on with the layout.

The list:

Wooden battens
Aluminium L-Frame
Soldering Flux
Bulldog clips

The wooden battens will be used to build both a set of legs and the lighting frame for the layout. The MDF and Aluminium frame will allow me to make the backscenes and fiddle yard cassettes. The Soldering flux and bulldog clips will be used for the wiring for the fiddle yard and the removable module.

Added bonus of the flux is that it will allow me to fit the decoders in my GP50 and U25b.

I've also ordered 5 sets of Kato knuckle couplers to replace the rapido couplers on ALL of my rolling stock, as well as a pair of Tomix fork lift trucks to complete the lumber yard.

Progress - getting there, slowly but surely!

Expect more updates as the week goes on.

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