AF350's Scratchbuild 2014 summer challenge
I will be scratch building a smallish coaling tower loosely based on a pic from a kit box from model power, the kit is HO but the scratch build will be O scale and S scale friendly, basing door dimensions on an O-27 sized figure that measures 6' in O scale not including the figure base. For the most part I will be using what I have on hand, some wood , styrene, cardstock and maybe some casting resin, NO 3D printing I promise Smile

Pics to follow shortly.
Here is the general Idea of what I will be building for the challenge


and here is the progress so far on the mechanical house part of coaling tower.

An updated pic of my project so far

Cheers Cheers Hey !!! Goldth Goldth I know that kit !! Icon_twisted 357
I "adjusted" it to work as an HOn3 coaling tower, and modified an Atlas Water tank for the same purpose.
Looking forward to seeing how your "build" goes. Thumbsup Cheers
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Spoiler alert:

I ordered some lamps with shades incase I decide to light it up a bit.

It is funny how a simple kit can lead to a scratch build idea and more fun than just putting together a kit.

I am using recycled card stock as a template for the walls of the mechanical house and glue up some boards to the template, it is not a scale copy of the model just a representation so dimensions are of no real concern just has to "feel" right with the larger trains O and some S trains may look good with it. Once I get the mechanical house done I will study the parts and exploded diagram to see what I would like to change, add or delete from my build. It will be "adjusted" with modelers / artists license.
Will be a couple days or so before I can continue on the challenge(Have to work tomorrow off Saturday and more then likely work Sunday and Monday)

If I can get it to the painted and weathered stage before end of challenge it will be a nice structure(may have to build a layout around it Icon_lol )

May be some progress pics by Tuesday at the latest.
Well I am off Saturday and next week I work Sunday and Friday so Monday thru Thursday is prime time to make some progress on the challenge.
No major progress yet, still studying the structure kit parts for the next phase of the build. First phase waiting for some supplies to show up(6 to 8 days for now) Glue (walthers Goo) and an assortment of wood strips did not have enough of one particular strip. May visit a LHS to see if there is anything I need in the now time frame. This week end will be a busy one,
oldest nephew is getting married Saturday and rehearsal dinner is Friday evening I have to be at both and work on Friday morning to boot.
Just checked the tracking number for some needed supplies to progress in the challenge supposed to be here by the 9th but is already at the fedex center in Grove city (west side of town) so it could possibly be here tomorrow 2285_
Will start back up on the challenge Monday as I have had a busy week end it is not over yet, have to attend a wedding tomorrow afternoon and then work on Sunday evening the I am off till Friday so will be working Monday threw Thursday on the challenge.
All needed materials plus some last minuet afterthoughts are now here 2285_ Just got back from a wedding and I am scheduled for second shift tomorrow but will be busy with the challenge scratch build Monday - Thursday. Hope to have some sort of progress pics by Monday night. See you all Monday night.
Well did sneak in some train time before going in to work today(Sunday) no pics will save those for later on Monday(today). I am pleased with the overall look to the walls and end walls I sort of intentionally made the individual boards slightly off from each other in length too look like an older structure with some wear and tare along the bottom where the wood meets the brick foundation which will be 2 rows high of styrene O scale red brick sheet. If I get the structure completed will weather it to look as if it is an active coaling tower.

****the next few lines not part of challenge****

I have a 3D printed water tower, will soon(I hope) have the scratch built coaling tower so all I need now is a sand house and an ash pit then I can make a loco servicing diorama Icon_lol
Got some time in on the challenge this evening , kinda tired treated parents yard for grubs still have to do my yard and then my sisters yard(that's 3 front and 3 backyards).

Any way I will post some progress pics in a little bit need to eat diner. Popcornbeer
Well here is the progress so far.

First pic the walls before trimming .


next is subassemblies for the mechanical house


some goodies to detail with

Did I just see girl scout cookies???? Big Grin Popcornbeer Big Grin Popcornbeer Big Grin
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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