Cane River and Winnfield Rock.
Tonight was Burlington Northern night! Big Grin

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Are you planning on getting any locos that one would normally see in La. or did you change the local of the layout?

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I have to unfortunately buy what locos I can get at the moment!

All Railroads I've got locos of have done or still do run in Louisiana, though granted there's not all that much trackage for each of them.

I am after some Kansas City Southern locos but they are proving notoriously difficult to track down over here without paying ridiculous prices.

I'm also on the lookout for a couple of Louisiana and Delta locos - as they will be the ones actually running the branch itself - the rest of my motive power will simply be moving from staging to the interchange yard and back again.

The downsides of modelling an overseas prototype! Big Grin
For lack of anything else to do this week due to being too busy to get the next stage baseboards assembled, I've started painting my Trackside Transfer building. So far it's had a black primer, a brown basecoat, a wash of white for the mortar and then a brown drybrush with a black wash in places. Lots more work to do, but it's a start.

On a somewhat related note - Mike will be happy to know that I am planning on repainting a couple of my locos into KCS colours, and a third into N&CRR shortline colours. More to come later this week. Smile

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Quick update on the transfer building after another couple of hours work. Still a long way to go, but it's starting to look the part. Smile

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So, time for a quick update. As a result of the mock up last night, I've modified the trackplan to make things much less crowded in the Bayou section, and flow much better in the yard area.

Rip it apart please - I want to get this part right before I start construction - it's a lot easier to change a plan before you start building it!

[Image: NCRR_zpsb8e45064.jpg]
After having it pointed out that the crossing in the top left no longer has a real point, and deciding that I wanted the branch to actually be a branch, I've done another re-design of the plan. Should allow for more scenery and less track. Less is more, right? Smile

[Image: NampCRR_zps9e053390.jpg]
I finally got some time to spend colouring in and labelling the track plan - hopefully it will all make sense now. Smile

[Image: NampCRRcolour_zps10c4da7c.jpg]

1. H. Hill, LPG Dealer
2. Cane River Lumber Co.
3. J. Doe Box Company
4. Cobb Firearms
5. K. L. Frye Scrap Yard
6. Street Running
7. Creole Cuisine
8. Locomotive depot and RIP track.
9. Diamond Crossing
10. Cement Silo
11. Highway Overpass
12. Red River Bayou (Visible Staging)
13. Planters Rice Mill
14. Planters Rice Mill
15. Farmers Favourite Corn Syrup
16. Bayou Boat Tours
17. Cane River Bayou
Daniel if you are happy with it don't change a thing. For me it has way to much track. I would get rid of the duck under (I know that eliminates the loop which is a second benefit). Also the cross over really makes no sense as does the track with the passing siding along the bottom by the bayou and I would lose about a third of the yard trackage and get it down to just one run around. But then that's me, I want less trackage and more scenery as it cuts down on maintenance and tends to look more realistic. Having said that I really don't know what you want from the layout, display/operations/hybrid?

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
It is an interesting layout plan with lots of tracks and lots of scenery.
May be that is something I would avoid on a small layout like yours. How about either a nice rural layout with lots of scenery and some tracks or a packed urban area full of tracks, roads and industries. But may be you found a good compromise sitting in the center space and looking either to the right side of industry or the left side of scenery.
Today I've spent the afternoon building the benchwork for the first extension to the layout - with this out of the way I can get working on the layout in earnest. I do so hate doing benchwork (mainly cos I'm rubbish at it!).

Updates should start coming thick and fast now - fingers crossed! Big Grin

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Slow progress made last night. I've started on the sub-roadbed on the bayou board, and will be putting the scenic formers in place for the surrounding areas tonight after work.

He's a "before" shot. There's not much here in terms of sub-roadbed as the majority of this section will be bridges over the bayou.

[Image: 20140720_213847-1_zps7024d6fb.jpg]

This board is the one that's going to take the most work scenically, but will be worth the effort. All going well it's going to be something pretty special. Big Grin
Polystyrene formers are in place. Tomorrow I'll attack it with plaster. Smile
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Not a perfect photo but I get the feeling this is going to be difficult to take a photo of before I paint it brown. Tongue

[Image: 20140726_191527_6_bestshot-1_zps1b18ebdd.jpg]
Yeah, white tends to "flare" making it hard to photo well.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string

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