The Mogollon Railroad
Kevin, if I stop to see you layout while on vacation, rest assured that I will not be the reason that your stucco hotel turns up missing..... Misngth

It looks wonderful!
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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A couple of update photos - the obligatory junk pile next to the engine house, and the smelter complex I am putting together.

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Some concrete work out in front of the hotel. Some steps from the original Life-Like kit, some scrap styrene, some joint compound, and a little acrylic paint. Still more to do...

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I've been lurking for years, watching this take shape, I'm really liking how it's going. Especially how nicely modified all of your structures are, thankfully avoiding the "walther's showroom" look so many layouts seem to have.
Here are two more from behind the hotel. The fire escapes are from the Life-Like kit. The hotel is mostly done, just needs a few details, some weathering, and window glass.

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I recall that this is a 4x8, but it isn't looking like a 4x8 anymore...
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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Could you take a photo of the overall layout from all four corners? I'm wondering what the layout looks like overall. Thanks!
Here ya go. Apologies for the rather lousy cell phone pics.

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Your layout looks great Kevin! I like the overall color palette.
That's a terrific job..!! Looks just like the "dumpy" scene it's meant to portray..!!
Is that a smelter in the corner..?? The one with the tall stack...
Gus (LC&P).
A good-looking layout, Kevin. Thumbsup Thumbsup I always enjoy seeing photos of it.

Thanks for the compliments, guys!

I'm actually quite proud of my work here. I've started many layouts in my life, and while there are things that I wish I would have been different here - mainly with size - I'm happy with the overall feel. I think I have done a good job with scenery, structures, and details. And as I look at it, I think my goals of making something that looks a bit spectacular like John Allen or Malcolm Furlow, yet somewhat faithful to a prototype, have been accomplished. I've reached a stage with this layout that I have never gotten to before - scenery pretty much over the whole layout, most major structures completed or mostly completed, and some details such as LPBs and vehicles in place.
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Another cell phone photo, converted to B&W.

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Been away from modeling for a bit - trying to get myself back into it. I've begun building a smokestack for my smelter out of PVC pipe and styrene tubing. the United Verde Smelter in Jerome, Arizona had a large steel smokestack. I am thinking of making this one steel using rivet decals for detail.

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Now THAT is cool! Thumbsup

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