Freelance 2017-2
Reinhard, that's a nice touch with the partially sunken concrete covered in gravel and with a couple of puddles, too - very prototypical-looking! Thumbsup Thumbsup

Another SD40-2 arrived. It was the Bachmann CSX 8013 with Tsunami. The CSX 8013 was a ex SBD engine with the front light in the nose and no anti climber. Bachmann put the front light in the cab. That requires to move the light or get a new number. Former B&O engines had the front light in the cab and no anti climber (most CR hat an anti climber). The 8245 has also front and rear ditch light of a shape I prefer and matches my operation very well. Some details and some paint and my new work horse is in revenue service.
The camera made the blue more light and shiny than the model is.

[Image: 35076245283_80d5d563d0_o.jpg]
The current remodeling is (almost) completed and work slows down to some minor details (fire escapes etc...). It was great fun to cover almost 50% of the layout with white board and build a new down town scenery. It was like building a new layout from scratch and have a full operational layout in parallel.

[Image: 35105048533_12c5a55eb6_o.jpg]
[Image: 35105049113_74da24afde_o.jpg]
[Image: 35105049253_cf97b1236f_o.jpg]
[Image: 35105049933_833510d856_o.jpg]
[Image: 35105050143_e5d36156ea_o.jpg]
[Image: 35105050493_088b0466e8_o.jpg]
If I change the railroad in the foreground from CSX to Conrail

I would change in the background this fine store row
[Image: 35135115823_19d14444d8_o.jpg]

with something like this.
[Image: 35135115433_8e4c861ec8_o.jpg]

I need to think about Freelance 2017-3 Smile
Most street markings on secondary city roads are far from perfection.AI simple white pencil is a good starting point. It looks much less perfect and dominating than the usual ink based white and yellow street markers and decals.

[Image: 35592452190_717cdc79e1_o.jpg]

ps. No CR plans so far
Thumbsup Applause

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
A strip of town houses is am alternative to the strip of modern shops in the center. Cornerstone offers three town house fronts in a pack. Three packs make a nice row on my layout. The new store at the right end and the backdrop are still "under construction".

[Image: 35165582124_c2401cf5be_o.jpg]
[Image: 35165581694_a8538e9dfa_o.jpg]
I have got two questions about town houses in the Bronx

1. All strips of town houses I find with Streetview have plain fronts. They do not look as old as the Cornerstone models. I guess they are all build after 1980. Have there been no town houses prior to the 1980s or did they all burn down in the 70s and 80s?

2. All town houses I found have an elevated floor. The usual reason it high ground water. That might be a good explanation for the lower areas close to Hunts Point etc. But I find it also in areas more elevated in the west of the Bronx. Is there another reason I do not see?

Thanks in advance
Reinhard - this might be something as simple as - the servants lived downstairs in the basement, and the family lived on the raised floor, with bedrooms further up. This could be the reason for the steps up to the front door, aka " The Stoop"
shortliner Wrote:Reinhard - this might be something as simple as - the servants lived downstairs in the basement, and the family lived on the raised floor, with bedrooms further up. This could be the reason for the steps up to the front door, aka " The Stoop"
It looks not that luxury to have servants in the house. My be something similar to the German "Einliegerwohnung". You build a house with one small apartment for a tenant. That make your home a multi apartment home and you get nice tax benefits. The tenant pays (part of) the initial interest rate with hits monthly rent and you kick him out when the kids need their first own home and the tax benefits have ended.
Most of those row houses have basement apartments. It makes them more street accessible and allows natural light then being completely underground.
Thanks for the explanation of the basement apartments.

how often did you build and rebuild the layout, yet?
Can you post pictures with a total view of each layout so far, please?

Would be interestening to see how it developed and changed through the years.

Guys, if I don't bleed to death pretty soon, I'm gonna die of boredom.
My layouts since 2010 are in Flickr The current one is Freelance 2017-2.

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