ANNA Railroad at Bergen Point
Just a place for me to try and show some old trains running again. My only problem is at this time is a large hill and the way it is seperating the train board down the middle. I want it as a backdrop for photos taken of my old trains running and sitting. It will be steep sided like the hills along the Lehigh Gorge or the Palisades. So it may be based not in Bergen Point but in mind still going there. Possible I'll resurrect Laurys Station. An with the way I am now putting something together, another layout, is taking a lot of time. I'm going to travel out to Hamburg PA Sunday for Maurer's summer train show and see if I get lucky and find a few treasures there as usual. Who knows what will be there. As for trains for my present layout, In my boxes and trays are plenty of interesting things to run and place around to make things look nice. If only I can make some nice scenery. well we will see, If I can keep going. It seems I can't just post a photo here. I must use a photo handling site like Flickr. A picture is worth a thousand words. So it looks like i must write a thousand words.
" It's a Heck of a Day " !!!!
Imgur works well me on all forums, you may want to look into it for pictures.... it's FREE too

(07-24-2019, 08:19 PM)toptrain Wrote: Just a place for me to try and show some old trains running again. My only problem is at this time is a large hill and the way it is seperating the train board down the middle. I want it as a backdrop for photos taken of my old trains running and sitting. It will be steep sided like the hills along the Lehigh Gorge or the Palisades. So it may be based not in Bergen Point but in mind still going there. Possible I'll resurrect Laurys Station. An with the way I am now putting something together, another layout, is taking a lot of time. I'm going to travel out to Hamburg PA Sunday for Maurer's summer train show and see if I get lucky and find a few treasures there as usual. Who knows what will be there. As for trains for my present layout, In my boxes and trays are plenty of interesting things to run and place around to make things look nice. If only I can make some nice scenery. well we will see, If I can keep going. It seems I can't just post a photo here. I must use a photo handling site like Flickr. A picture is worth a thousand words. So it looks like i must write a thousand words.
Modleing the Jefferson Branch in HO  on the Southern Pacific
Good to hear from you Frank. I'm looking forward to seeing those trains again. I think the Strates show train may be in or near Hamburg so that would be something to see. 
Posting a picture is easy just go to the bottom where it says "New Attachment, choose file, which will let you btrpwse your computer for the picture, select it, then on the right click the Add Attachment button, then you get the option to insert it into the post.  
Have a great night
(07-24-2019, 08:19 PM)toptrain Wrote: ...It seems I can't just post a photo here. I must use a photo handling site like Flickr. A picture is worth a thousand words. So it looks like i must write a thousand words.

Don't know why you can't post a photo here. One thing might be the size of you photos. There is a limitation on size, I usually suggest no bigger than 800 x 600 pixels and trying to keep it in the 150-250K range. You would need a photo editing app if you photos are larger than that. Even if you link to a photo hosting site, very large pictures tend to take time to load, especially if someone has a dial-up or other low baud rate connection.

Otherwise, just go to the bottom of the page and click on "browse", select the photo you want to  upload and click on, "add attachment". You can insert each photo when you want them by clicking on, "insert in post", or just leave them and they will wind up at the end of your post.
Don (ezdays) Day
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