The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Good afternoon folks

It is 63. Was sunny but the clouds are rolling in.

I finished assembling the Stewart NYO&W FTA and FTB. The A unit is powerd and the B unit is a dummy. Did several test runs. I having a problem with a turnout. First it was derailing the loco and a couple of cars. Got that addressed and then the loco was losing power going over it.

We went to Walmart to pick up a couple of outside trashcans I ordered and to the grocery store. I can't believe the number of people not wearing masks after the Governor recommended people do so. They were counting the number of people entering and leaving Walmart and had the entrance and exit cordoned off. The grocery store was as strict and about half the people were wearing masks. This whole thing is surreal.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Morning.  Sunny and 75.  Headed north to FIL's.  Wifey's family thinks that is all there is to do in life.  Sad.  Gets mad if we don't go there.  They live next-door. 

Enjoy the week.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Hello Blue
Sun and Hi 50's today.
Nothing new here, cant go or do anything Two of our kids had birthdays yesterday which they had to spend at their home's. 
The grass has turned green and will begin to grow soon. I'm not sure what to do about cutting as our wonderful governor has forbid the lawn service's to work. 
No haircut's either. Soon we will all be walking around with salad bowl haircuts. Most of you will remember those.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 40 at the moment and it's supposed got to about 60.

Walked and rode my bike yesterday. Also watched part of the NASCAR race. Pretty hokey. Gave that up after about a half hour. A friend who has a serious illness called and I talked to him and his wife for over an hour and a half. His medical report at the moment is very good.

Out and about to a grocery store and Walmart this morning. No lines at either store. Saw an article on line where Corona is stopping production of beer for a while so I picked some up. I now have a 29 day supply. Floor cleaning today. I'll vacuum, dust mop. or wipe all the floors today. Such an exciting life I lead.

Gas was $1.33 when I was out.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Monday morning to you all, not a usual one since not too many folks are going to work. Haven't been out since Saturday afternoon, been busy here and couldn't go out if I wanted to. Looking at Gas Buddy, prices are all over the place, I see some $1.95's on the east side, up to $2.69 about a mile from the house. Don't know too many people going to line up for that, but I'm sure Costco still has long likes at the pumps.

Like in most states, things here are pretty much shut down, just that some are wondering why golf courses are an essential service.

I can hear them still flying sorties at Luke AFB. Most are F35's, lots of training going on and it's hard to turn that off. I never mind it when they fly over the house, no one else should either.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I contacted a first cousin I haven't seen for 52 years and found him to have the train disease. He has joined us here so if you see a post from Tucson Frank welcome him onboard. 
He is finding his way around.  He has a garden railroad and 2 z scale layouts. 

I have the potting soil in the green house and I am letting it bake for a day or so. Last year there were "critters" so I am hoping to make it too hot for them. It was 100 degrees in the greenhouse at noon, which by Arizona standards isn't anything but it should start the baking process.  

My wife went to the store for groceries as we were getting low on everything. It was well stocked and she didn't have any problems, and no limits. We were going to do the online thing at walmart but everything had a quantity of 2 limit except the toilet paper. They were out of stock so I just deleted the $80 worth in my cart and let her go in person to our Save-a-lot. She needed bird food anyhow.  Our local market was selling eggs for $5.99 for 18 with a limit of one. Not a problem for me, especially when they are less than 2 bucks every where else.
They are the only 'supermarket" in town and they're always high but this was the last straw for many of us. 

Everyone stay safe. This too shall pass. 
Just had a note from one of our club that another of the group has died. Brian Fayle had articles on his layout published when I was starting university. He lived nearby but we were too reticent to contact him. Later met him in the Platelayers and operated beside him at Windermere for the last 20 years or so. He's been off for the last couple of years as his joints were failing, and he was in a nursing home recently.
Brian's later interest was painting figures.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Greetings, gang.

May is here - for one day. Sunny and 75 is the forecast. 52 right now. Tomorrow turns colder, windy and rainy.

Got all the floors cleaned, rode the bike, and walked for 3 miles. Also listened to the governor's news conference. She's not locking down people but she's closing everything so there's no where to go. Only thing left open are gas, stations, grocery stores, and places like Walmart and Menards.

I don't have any specific plans but whatever I do will be outside. Probably work on getting the outdoor train ready to run.

David - my condolences on the loss of your friend.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, kinda weird, but satisfying when I went to the Post Office yesterday and saw everyone in line spaced out around six feet apart like they've been asking us to do. The doors at this PO used to be scurfy black and even in good times, something you didn't want to touch. The black film is gone, so they're doing their part to keep things cleaned. Haven't been to the store in a few days, well, haven't been anywhere but the Post Office in almost a week. Don't need anything, enough to eat even if it comes from a can or the freezer. We didn't horde, but we've got enough TP and other paper goods to last a few weeks, which is normal for us. I saw a video of a woman with a basket full of TP and someone else desperately in need taking one package from her, then the fight began..... Such a pity that some folks have to act like this, does it mean that much that they will be able to wipe their butts for the next ten years without worry but their neighbors won't be able to tomorrow or the next day?

Enough on that, we see the good and the bad in people and there's plenty of good going around right now, so we'll dwell on that.

Temps today still in the low 80's, been tempted to turn on the A/C, but resisted that since we still have the heat come on in the mornings.  Rain in the forecast for the next few days, having trouble getting info from the NWS, seems like one of their linked sites are down. Anyway, the other sites agree that there could be rain coming up, so we'll see.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Morning.  Sun  burned off thick fog.  72 and warming fast.  Headed north to FIL's again.  Getting tired of that as they are playing with shrubs and cutting trees.  Wasting my time and Wifey's too.  Yet, family thinks you have to be there.  I have chores her and at the farm to do.  Barns will have a jungle growing around them if not sprayed.

Got a good shower of rain late yesterday.  More for the next few afternoons so they say. 

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good afternoon folks

Temperatures been in the 60's all day. Weatherman says we will have scattered thunderstorms later tonight.

Had to take a cat to the vet for her annual check-up. Everything is fine with her and she got her annual shots. Had to take the dog for a follow-up. His blood sugars are still high. Will be uping the insulin some and putting him on a prescription diet.

No modeling yesterday and so far today. Did some yardwork and cleaned out some stuff from the garage. Put out the outdoor furniture.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning once again, rain today? Yeah, maybe, could, maybe not, good chance, little chance, lots, none.... pick you answer 'cause that's what I find. No, I don't want to be part of the forecast world, I'll just wait and see what actually happens.

Today is Wednesday, the newspaper is usually filled with inserts from all the major grocery chains, somehow, holding a sale is not at the top of their lists right now. There were no inserts two weeks ago, and just a few last week, who knows what today's paper will have. Yeah, I still get the paper, been getting The Arizona Republic since the mid-50's, it's a lot smaller now, thinner too since they went with cheaper newsprint, and as you'd expect, a heck of a lot more expensive.  And I still have a landline, got my first one back in the mid-50's as well when that was all you could get. I hate it when someone calls my cell phone, it usually goes to voice record before I can get to answer it. Heard it ringing yesterday and thought it was the TV, don't have a clue who it was since I don't recognize the number, probably a spammer, it usually is.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and 48 headed for windy and 60 in the remote reaches of northern Iowa this morning. Spectacular day yesterday. 79, sunny, and low humidity and as usual I managed to singe the top of my head. Manage to do it at least once every spring.

Walked, rode the bike, and otherwise just enjoyed the nice day. Only item on the to do list for today was to go to Walmart and that's been accomplished. Went during their "senior hour." Very few people but the aisles were clogged with vendors stocking the shelves. Gas is down to $1.29.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Hello Blue
Sun and 67 today, it did make 70 yesterday.
We also have a land line, will keep it till they are no more. Much better tone quality and clear voice.
We still have flip phones for use outside the house but they have become outdated as tech has changed. 
No plans, no nothing, can't do anything but breath and our governor would probably restrict that if she could. She has become a power hungry #itch.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Rushing out to FIL's [getting tired of that].  79 and sunny.  80's again today.  Enjoy.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC

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