The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Chilly today in the NorthEast...  only going up to 65.  Two weeks ago, that was our low.
We sent some of this cooler weather down South for Chief to enjoy too!  Big Grin  Big Grin  Big Grin
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good morning folks

Like Mikey said it is chilly on my side of Delaware County. Current temperature is 58 and now they are saying 63 will be our high.

Yesterday the wife and I picked up two new kitchen chairs. After we got home, I had to put them together. Our old chairs were uncomfortable and cause pains in our legs. Before COVID they didn’t bother us as much but now with being home we are spending more time in them using the kitchen table as a work site more often.

Last night I took out my tank cars and photographed them for my inventory file. I discovered two that need minor repairs. One needs a brake wheel reattached and the other a railing reattached. These are today’s projects.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, did sleep in a bit late today, but being Sunday, I still got up before 4:30. My internal alarm clock says go to church today....

As Charlie says, we had a test Zoom chat yesterday and it went off better than I expected, a few minor hitches that we overcame quickly.  We will be setting up something so that we can do it more often and with anyone that wants to join in, so stay tuned.

Still hitting the over 100 mark, 104 today and tomorrow. Still going target shooting tomorrow, will go early and eat breakfast of the way back. There's a TA truck stop that we normally go to, but the restaurant has been closed since March. Their website says they're open now, so let's hope. One time we were coming back and they were closed and every other restaurant we stopped at, including a Cracker Barrel and several Denny's, all had lines and at least a 30 minute wait. That was right after they allowed restaurants to open with 50% capacity. And no, we didn't get in line, just went home. Hospitals here are starting to allow visitors, one visitor per patient, masks and a pre-check are required.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning.  49 and fair.  Fall trying to come.  Off to the farms to move a big box stand.

Have a good one.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, hard to believe but we're fast approaching the end of September, another six weeks and all those political posters on street corners will be gone and we'll get back to lawyer and those "humorous" insurance TV commercials. Some of these ads are so clever and entertaining that by the end, you forget what it is that they're selling.... Must be some new marketing scheme....

Today should be in the low 100's, how low depends on whose forecast you're looking at. Don't care, going target shooting regardless. Shooting buddy could not find any ammo locally, too many newbies buying guns right now and others stockpiling. I remember a few years ago when a line would form about midnight waiting for the Walmart sports counter to open at 7:00, then some would go out into the parking lot and try to sell what they just bought for a hefty profit. Well, all you can get at Walmart now are shotshells.

Take care and stay safe.....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

A combination of clouds and smoke are covering the sun this morning. 52 right now headed for the low 80s. Not as windy as yesterday's 30 mph breezes.

Fairly quiet day yesterday. Learned a lesson. One company's couplers will not work to repair couplers from another brand of large scale cars. Guess I'll be ordeering more couplers this week. Physical therapy at 9:30 this morning and a walk this afternoon (and possibly a bike ride) should fill out the day.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning.
       Once again a cool morning in Southeast Ohio.  
       I have a small ash tree to cut up and some old fence to remove. I replaced 70 feet of fence around the yard yesterday and that project was easier than I had thought. We had driven the posts a couple weeks ago so all the was involved was stretching and anchoring to the posts. Our oldest dog is blind and diabetic so he is not an escape risk, but the other is 10 and the first thing she did was check for escape holes. 
        I'm wishing everyone a great day. 
Good morning folks

It is a cool 59 now. They say it will reach 65.

Got up with the wife and made breakfast. I have been battling with the spackling on the bedroom wall since then. Taking a break to wait for the spackle to dry so I can sand it. I had to disassemble our bed to get to the repairs, so I want the repairs done in one shot. Painting will be another day.

Wife and daughter started Halloween decorating yesterday. I have a bunch of storage bins to move back down to the basement today.

I just couldn’t get any modeling in yesterday. I did get the tank cars entered it the inventory list on the computer. We will see if I get time today.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
And a cheery good morning to you all. I say "cheery", don't exactly know why, just that I did get up by myself this morning and that's always something to cheer about. Icon_lol Icon_lol 

Did go target shooting yesterday, didn't stay as long as usual, started to get a bit warm out, plus my shooting buddy was a bit light on ammo. I need to go ammo shopping as well, just don't know who has any. We did stop at the truck stop for breakfast, hardly anyone in the restaurant, it used to be packed with truckers and travelers off of I-10. There were more people in line for the fast-food concessions than in the restaurant.

Today is Tuesday, Walmart senior hour at 6:00 this morning, nowhere near the crowds when they started that. Not sure if Costco still has that, the new one near us opens in two days, now we can expect a super-crowd there. Don't plan on going there for a few weeks though. Might have to, running low on some stuff, my 55 gallon drum of maple syrup is almost out, so is my 50 pound block of butter and the 100 pound tin of coffee. Icon_rolleyes Icon_rolleyes Well, it seems like that anyway. Not sure, living alone now I just might have to back off on buying some stuff in the size and quantities they sell things in.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Smoky again this morning and 53. Supposed to get to 84 this afternoon and not as windy as yesterday.

Yesterday was pretty quiet. Physical therapy wasn't too bad but it was a guy instead of the cute girl who did it last time. ☹️ The therapy does seem to be working and I'm slowly improving. Walked and went for a bike. Bike ride was a bit of a struggle coming home as the wind would occasionally kick up to about 25 mph. Walmart and the grocery store this morning.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning Blue
        Another chilly day here, but a nice afternoon warmup is coming. 
Have to take my wife to the chiropractor this morning, she twisted her back Sunday doing stuff she should leave for the grandkids. 
I just checked Bun's gun site. Hard to believe how much ammo they don't have, and the price is getting out of control again. 
A few little projects I hope to finish today. 
Good morning folks

It is 61 an going to 72. A nice cool day for the first day of autumn.

I finished patching the bedroom wall. I even got to the repaint it. Now can move on the front wall. The front wall has only a couple of small areas unlike the huge areas on the other wall. I am trying to take it easy today to give my back a rest.

No modeling last night. I wanted to get that wall done.

Today I hope to get down to the workbench and figure out what to tackle next.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Second post of the day, but got a huge surprise when I went out to breakfast. Some watery stuff was falling from the sky. I think they call that rain, just not sure since we haven't seen much this year. Forecasts calling for "sunny skies" must have been referring to somewhere above the clouds, because that's all I see.

One other surprise this morning, got to Walmart and they've removed all those, "shop this way" signs on the floor. One more step to normalcy. 

Oh, one other newsworthy note, yet another surprise, I was told on Friday that I was going to be a great-grand pappy.2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
(09-22-2020, 06:10 AM)ezdays Wrote:  
Did go target shooting yesterday, didn't stay as long as usual, started to get a bit warm out, plus my shooting buddy was a bit light on ammo. I need to go ammo shopping as well, just don't know who has any. We did stop at the truck stop for breakfast, hardly anyone in the restaurant, it used to be packed with truckers and travelers off of I-10. There were more people in line for the fast-food concessions than in the restaurant.

Don if you need 30-30 , 30-06 , 30-40 or some 45 auto I'm well stocked.
(09-22-2020, 10:06 AM)jim currie Wrote: Don if you need 30-30 , 30-06 , 30-40 or some 45 auto I'm well stocked.

Thanks Jim, I got rid of all my heavy hitters, I loved to shoot trap, but my shoulder couldn't take the hits, same goes for all my rifles except my 22's. I had a couple of 38/357 specials, but sold them as well, too harsh on my wrist. Getting old sucks. I gave away the 38 ammo that I had before availability went to zero. But then again, I don't have anything to shoot it with. I am appalled at the prices for firearms and ammo up at J&G in Prescott who used to have the best prices worth driving up there for.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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