The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
hi all . well another monday not much going on in the modeling front waiting for a order from tichey and evergreen did get a big set of shelving built in garage this week end. the weather an't much to crow about windy and cloudy.
37 and cloudy. As you guessed, slept late. Then relax to a sausage biscuit and coffee with Wifey [who slept later]. Now to get moving. Wifey going back to where she purchased a dish set yesterday. Seems when she opened, 2 were not the same pattern.  Hope I don't drive.

Dallas train buddy says COLD.  Old fishing buddies in Houston and T'Bend say snowing.  Houston!!!

Guessers say T'storms tonight.  Maybe wind south and east of us.  

Stay well and warm. 
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

It 34 presently going up to 35. We are under another Winter Weather Advisory. This one for an ice storm supposed to begin this afternoon. They are still wishy washy on what is going to happen. However, in the counties next to us their western sections are under an Ice Storm Warning. Looks like we may be in for some fun. Need to make sure all the devices are charged.

This weekend was not a good one. My knee was aching at times and other times downright painful. On top of that my bladder issues decided to have a flare up. Saturday was really bad with a good amount of pain. Sunday was still bad but less than Sunday. Today so far it has been so-so. Since there is no medication that helps, I was in pain management mode and drinking water to flush out the system just in case the cause was from something I ate or drank. The flushing meant I was running to the bathroom constantly, but it did seem to help. This was the worst flare up I have had in probably six or eight months. Things are better today but there are still some residual effects.

As a result, nothing got done on the layout or workbench. I was hoping to do something today but I am unsure. We are waiting for the plumber to come and install a new faucet in our powder room on the first floor. This is something we have needed to do for years.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning good people, I wish you well, especially those that are in the midst of those storms. I see where power is out in parts of Texas because the turbines froze up. Not a good thing.

Around here, I got a surprise yesterday to find my truck pockmarked with mud, meaning that the wind was strong and there were sprinkles. This usually happens in the summer during our, "monsoon" season, but I guess it happened the other night. Oh, not enough moisture to register though. Today I see the chances of rain vary from 0% to 40%, I wonder if these people are reading the same NWS charts.

Heading off the Brenda's Kitchen for breakfast, it seems like that's the highlight of my day's social life anymore. I've tired Facebook a little, but it's so frustrating that I'm a step away from deleting my account.

Take care everyone and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.


Quiet day yesterday.  Today will be the same.  Trip to the gym is tentatively planned but may or may not happen.  My son and my niece who live in Houston are both without power.  No word on my nephew.  Prayers for all those affected by the storm and brutally cold weather.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. 
Snowmaggedon didn't happen here  but it is even worse as all the snow was rain and some of it froze. My driveway is a mess and will be until mother nature chooses to melt it off. Nothing but ice. I can get in and out if need be but for now we are content to hunker down at home. 
I had a good doctor check up yesterday so no changes in medication. 
I read that Germany had the same problem with the turbines, and the solar panels too are covered with snow and not producing. 
I worked 12 years in a hydroelectric plant and I can tell you, it is green but it is not dependable. You are at the mercy of the weather.  It sounds like it is the same with wind and solar. Sadly, they are failing when they are needed the most.  I checked my back up generator and I am ready, But hope I don't need it. 
Hoping to work on trains this afternoon...we shallsee.
Good morning folks

Temperature is 40 heading up to 47. They say we are supposed to get rain but the radar says differently. The big bad ice storm for yesterday was a dud. We got nothing all day. It did rain a little overnight.

Both knee and bladder are doing better. I think the knee was being influenced somewhat by the weather which made it worse. The bladder has been better also. I had a minor flare up last night between 3 and 4 am. I am still trying to determine what set off my bladder for the weekend. I think it was something I ate on Thursday or Friday. Acidic and hot spices can set it off if I over do them. Tomatoes are a big problem since they are acidic, and I am allergic to them. I found out the hard way too many times they are hidden in sauces and broths.

I am shaking my head over the craziness on eBay whenever a Rapido NYO&W steam generator car comes up for bid? They are selling for almost twice the MSRP.

I thought I was going to get something done on the layout, but I did not. The plumber came to replace the faucet in our first-floor powder room. Of course, things did not go smoothly as our sink was some oddball and the holes were too small. He was able to get it installed but it took him three times longer than he expected.

I am hoping after I do a few chores around the house and make a run to the grocery store I can do some work on the layout.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hello Blue
Cloudy and 17. The snow has passed, not sure how much as there was a lot of blowing and drifting.
I'm not gonna mess with it. They take their time coming but two of the grandsons will show up sooner or later to clear the snow.
No news we are just trying to stay safe, it's been almost a year since we ate out and we are still not comfortable doing it. The state(Mi)is allowing 25% indoor dining.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. Slept till 9. Muffin and a few cups of coffee. Got ready for the day and then, call from Aucrite rep. [she is in WI.  Cold and snowing.  Working from home she said.  Excellent customer services]  Had to do some tweaking on new weather station. Put it up today as no RAIN [until tonight]  Sun is in and out and 52 degrees. undefined Possible freezing rain north of us near the VA line. Had a tornado in one coastal county near Wilmington.

Got a virtual meeting at noon. Then free for the day. Probably an errand or two. Go by Wifey's shop and replace the rubber sweep on the back doors. Can see daylight under them.

Stay warm and well.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Neighbour lent us his roof rake yesterday and I took a pile of snow off. Had a lot more snow today, but didn't use the rake yet. Newspapers were 2 hours late -- we'd finished our coffee by then. Village snow plow apparently didn't start, but they were shovelling and running all sorts of other contraptions. We had a walk in the afternoon.
I'm converting one section of the layout from basic foam to slightly more scenic. Station front is getting steps and grass.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Good morning all, got a busy day today. Getting my second Covid-19 shot, cleaning lady comes, got a few phone calls to make, garbage pickup switched to today because of the holiday, and on top of that, today is Ash Wednesday. I missed the Mardi Gras parade once again making it zero times that I've been to one, but then again, they didn't hold one this year so everyone else missed it too. I joke, but I really avoid going to places where there's thousands of people jumping up and down and yelling. One year I had free season tickets to the Cardinal's football games, and I gave them away. Just can't see being hunkered down with all those strangers and then fighting your way out of the parking lot, that is if you can find your car in all that.

Today's weather report says, "Plenty of sunshine, but cool" Tomorrow's reads, "Cool, but plenty of sunshine". Makes you kind of wonder what the difference is.... Waiting

Have a great day everyone, and be careful, especially those in blizzard country.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Cloudy and much warmer than yesterday. +1 outside my window headed for a high around 12.

With the brutal cold yesterday I decided to skip the gym. I'll make up for that today. Also need to deposit a couple of checks. I got the title to my son's car in the mail yesterday so I'll need to look into what steps I need to take to get it into my name. Once that' done i can transfer it to my granddaughter and get it out of my driveway.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
34 and sunny. Guessers are now trying to say we will get some glaze and then turn to rain Folks north of us ice. This is the doom and gloom station. Always drama in their news. We'll see.

Eye Dr. for semi annual. Then nothing.

Really feel it for those in the deep freeze and especially those with no power. We have some above us with no power for two days. Puke Energy now saying bringing in out of state crews. Well, about time.

Have a safe and good day. Stay warm.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks

22 is the temperature this bright morning. Going up to 31. We have a Winter Storm Watch posted starting late tonight into Friday. NWS says 4 to 6 inches. The local weather shamans are all over the place depending on where their dart landed on the snow accumulation dart board. My prayers to those in Texas. We thought 36 hours with temperatures in the teens back in 1994 were bad. I can’t image what some of them are going through.

For the layout I cut the lumber and placed under the board. I now need to secure aka screw the wood in place. Next will be the working on the frame connecting the two boards. Then I can think about laying new foam over the one board.

Today I need to deal with some laundry. I don’t think I have any errands to run.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Good morning all, here we are at Thursday already, sheesh, my mind thinks that it's still Monday afternoon, except that it's still dark out. Should be nice today, compared to other parts of the country for sure. Mid to high 60's, then up from there.

Did get my second virus shot yesterday. Easy in, easy out, just a steady flow of cars with folks getting their second shots. They say that they're going to start giving vaccine to drug stores. Lots of other folks waiting for the next tier to open, right now it's anyone 65 and over, teachers and medical/first responders. Number of cases is dropping, says that the vaccine works. Well worth the few after affects that go away quickly.

Still busy with appointments, need a x-ray and I'm wondering how that's going to happen with my back the way it is right now. Gotta do what I gotta do I guess....

Take care, have the best day possible, a few prayers for those without power with freezing temps.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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